Bubble Companies

Bubble Studios

A Mixed Media Art Studio and Gallery that makes fine art, paintings, music, kids content, performances, video and more that has a luvchevious focus on bringing play, luv and magic to the world in all of our authentic joy.

Listen on spotify here.

LuvMonsters Inc.

A plushies company who lives in a joyous realm where magic is real. Each hybrid animal is an inspirito animals for kids and parents alike, to help them find their highest delight.

Intergalactic Publishing

A novelty book company where the books living artifacts that get to be lived in ones life. We have intergalactic librarians that support the collection and creation of these magical stories to be lived. We have family books, kids books, and adult only books precured by our one and only sexarian.

Mrs. Bubble NFT

A crypto based art collection of Mrs. Bubble’s Art that is here to bring the whole world joy in all her facets.

LuvBubble Express

A traveling circus ship, that hosts events in art that create new realms, experiences whereever it goes. Attracting the most joyous visionary creators, artists and more to collab in emergent fields for optimal delights.